Rent Move Buy - Ep. 24: DC Housing Inequity and Steps to Correct It

Rent Move Buy - Episode 24: DC Housing Inequity with Lisa Wise of birdSEED and Guest Host Michael Fowler

Does housing inequity in this country exist? Without a doubt. The real estate industry and its generation- to- generation wealth creation has been out of reach for many Black and Brown individuals due to overtly racist practices and policies that prevented the accumulation of wealth through home/property ownership. In this episode, we speak with Lisa Wise, Founder of birdSEED, a down payment grants initiative for first-time home buying residents of color in the Washington, D.C. area. Lisa and birdSEED who aims to shift the conversation and invite those who have squarely benefited from an industry that excluded others to consider their responsibility to help undo the damage.

RARE Pick of the Week: 8200 Stone Trail Dr -- BETHESDA

What makes this a RARE property?

The RARE has a thing for midcentury modern homes FOR SURE, and this one is impossible not to love. Three different roof heights, open-tread staircase, cathedral ceiling, and walls of glass make this gorgeous listing under $1m one that will make any new owner swoon.